Wednesday, October 22, 2008

3 AM

It's 3 AM and I should be sleeping because the wee one is. However, he will be waking within the next 45 minutes and I am taking a small break. A little me time if you will.

The hardest part about being a parent, especially a mommy, is the complete change it takes on your life. For me it has been more than I imagined but ever so worth it. For the longest time I was always focused on me first. My husband second. And it was always a nice balance that suited me at the time. However, now and for the past five weeks (Can you believe it has been that long?!) it has been about Talon. He is first and for most important in my life. It's amazing to me just how much I love him. Being a mommy to a newborn (Can I still use that term for him??) changes a lot. I sit and think back on things that just a month and a half ago were completely different. I wouldn't give up what I have now though. He's completely worth every bit of lack of sleep, forgetting to eat, slightly stinky in need of a shower, can't do this or that yet type of stuff.
Anywho, today my MIL and SIL will be arriving from Fort Myers, Florida. This will be there first official and in person meeting of Mr. Man. I'm extremely excited for them to meet him and get to see just how precious and perfect he is. How he completes are life with no questions asked. How he will bring such happiness and joy to their lives and such amazing smiles to their faces. I've waited for this for a long time. If only FIL were here... I know he is in spirit and we miss him dearly. I just truly wish our dream had came true when he was still alive, but unfortunately life doesn't always happen the way we plan things. I've been working hard to get the home in order for our guests. Its taken some time and hard work. It seems that as soon as I'd get started on something, anything, Talon would wake up and want or need attention. Isn't it funny how they do that? And yes, they truly do it... Before, I always thought that was more of a myth or what not but it's not. As crazy as it sounds, it does happen. LOL But, happily our home looks welcoming and cozy. It's definitely sporting the "baby lives here" vibe but we welcome that! We've waited so very long for that! In our living room we have his swing, his elevated bouncer/rocker, a regular bouncer and not to mention diapers/wipes and what not. Because I am one of those parents that don't change their child on a changing table or in a "certain" room. I change him where it's convient and easiest... and my friends, that is typically on the leg portion of the recliner in the section... lol. Hey, it works for now. So granted there are a few small last minute touches to do, we are ready completely for our visitors and I can't wait! They will be departing the 28th of October and I'm sad about that. It's not nearly enough time... but we'll take what we can get.

I'm not sure if I will get any sleep before they arrive... I need energy and sleeping in small spurts seems to wear me out. However, tonight my MIL is going to be a blessing and take care of Talon while the hubby and I rest completely comfortable...together... in our bed... for a FULL nights sleep! What an awesome thing to look forward for! LOL
Oh, Thursday the 23rd, we'll be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary! Hey, what can I say... I love that guy!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


On Friday Talon had an appointment. He weighs 5 pounds 12 ounces and is 18 1/2 inches long. What wonderful growth for him! The nurse was glad that he's grown well in his almost month of life. I was happy to hear that he's gained a pound in 4 weeks! Definitely makes me feel better about his eating habits and what not. We do demand feeding and so I was nervous when at times he'd only eat 2 ounces and go 4 hours before eating more. But now I am not as concerned. I'm proud of my little guy too. He is doing great.

I can't believe that he's been with us for four weeks. The time has flown by and though I've enjoyed it for the most part it's just GONE fast. I don't remember everything like I was hoping to remember. I've noticed the changes in him and that makes me sad. Of course I know that with time he will change and develope. I know it's normal and I am excited to see that happen, however I am sad too. I guess that's how a mother feels. It's one of those situations where you love it and hate it at the same time. I'm sure I'll feel this way through out the weeks and months, well even years.

I'm amazed that we're parents. I knew this would happen for us one day but it's still sureal that it's happened for us already. Eight months ago we found out about BM's pregnancy and that we'd be parents. In those eight months we prepared as well as we could to be parents, but nothing prepares you for the feelings that truly do come with it. It's amazing how it just happens. How you love someone so very much and that it's a completely unconditional love. I'd die for him, in a heart beat. That's a true feeling of a mother.

It's amazing to me. I'm a mother.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Hello everyone,

Either you've stumbled across this blog or you were directed here, either way, welcome.

My name is Kim aka Kimmy. I'm a 28 year old wife to my wonderful and loving husband Kenny, 31, approaching our 7th year of marriage too! We reside in Casper, Wyoming and have lived here since early 2004. I live a pretty simple but happy life. Our biggest dream finally came true on September 13th 2008. Our son, Talon Kenneth, was born. After a long struggle to become a family we were blessed with a healthy, beautiful little boy. He entered our lives through adoption from a selfless act a friend of ours was willing to do. She gave us our blessing and we are forever thankful to her and God.

Kenny is a sales associate at our local Sears. He works in the electronics department and he loves his job. He's good at what he does, if I say so myself. He's been in sales of electronics for about 8 years now. I guess it's right up his alley and what his "knack" is. When he isn't at work or sleeping, he enjoys playing video games, watching tv and anime and spending time with the family. He is an amazing father. It melts my heart to see him with Talon and I just know that as time goes on they'll form a strong bond and he will continue to be a great father to our son.

I do childcare. I always have and most likely always will. People say I have a calling for it... that it's what I was meant to do and maybe that's right. I just truly feel connected to kids I guess and I want to offer at least those I can watch a safe place. I know that there are a lot of "not so nice" people out there watching children and it breaks my heart. So, I always try to be able to help a child or two or three with safe, loving care. I currently watch a 4 year old boy. He has been a part of our life since he was a little baby. I've taken care of him for a very long time. It's more like family than anything. He's here often because his mom is a single mother who works many hours a week and struggles to make it. We can offer him a safe and happy place and she knows that he'll always been safe with us. It just fits. Right now though I am truly enjoying life with my son and taking care of him. It's been the best (and most tiring?) three weeks of my life and I can't wait to see how the next weeks, months and years go. When Talon is in school full time I want to go to school as well. I'd like to become a nurse, more specifically a midwife.

Talon Kenneth is the little boy that stole our hearts. He was born on September 13th 2008 @ 6:33 PM. He weighed 4 pounds 12 ounces and was 17 inches long. Tiny but extremely healthy. With his first cry, I gave my heart 100%. He means everything to us and we just adore him. What a perfect, handsome little blessing he is.

Here's a picture of my precious baby boy...