Sunday, October 12, 2008


On Friday Talon had an appointment. He weighs 5 pounds 12 ounces and is 18 1/2 inches long. What wonderful growth for him! The nurse was glad that he's grown well in his almost month of life. I was happy to hear that he's gained a pound in 4 weeks! Definitely makes me feel better about his eating habits and what not. We do demand feeding and so I was nervous when at times he'd only eat 2 ounces and go 4 hours before eating more. But now I am not as concerned. I'm proud of my little guy too. He is doing great.

I can't believe that he's been with us for four weeks. The time has flown by and though I've enjoyed it for the most part it's just GONE fast. I don't remember everything like I was hoping to remember. I've noticed the changes in him and that makes me sad. Of course I know that with time he will change and develope. I know it's normal and I am excited to see that happen, however I am sad too. I guess that's how a mother feels. It's one of those situations where you love it and hate it at the same time. I'm sure I'll feel this way through out the weeks and months, well even years.

I'm amazed that we're parents. I knew this would happen for us one day but it's still sureal that it's happened for us already. Eight months ago we found out about BM's pregnancy and that we'd be parents. In those eight months we prepared as well as we could to be parents, but nothing prepares you for the feelings that truly do come with it. It's amazing how it just happens. How you love someone so very much and that it's a completely unconditional love. I'd die for him, in a heart beat. That's a true feeling of a mother.

It's amazing to me. I'm a mother.

1 comment:

Jolene said...

And a wonderful mother at that Kimmy! I'm so happy for you guys! <333