Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Hello everyone,

Either you've stumbled across this blog or you were directed here, either way, welcome.

My name is Kim aka Kimmy. I'm a 28 year old wife to my wonderful and loving husband Kenny, 31, approaching our 7th year of marriage too! We reside in Casper, Wyoming and have lived here since early 2004. I live a pretty simple but happy life. Our biggest dream finally came true on September 13th 2008. Our son, Talon Kenneth, was born. After a long struggle to become a family we were blessed with a healthy, beautiful little boy. He entered our lives through adoption from a selfless act a friend of ours was willing to do. She gave us our blessing and we are forever thankful to her and God.

Kenny is a sales associate at our local Sears. He works in the electronics department and he loves his job. He's good at what he does, if I say so myself. He's been in sales of electronics for about 8 years now. I guess it's right up his alley and what his "knack" is. When he isn't at work or sleeping, he enjoys playing video games, watching tv and anime and spending time with the family. He is an amazing father. It melts my heart to see him with Talon and I just know that as time goes on they'll form a strong bond and he will continue to be a great father to our son.

I do childcare. I always have and most likely always will. People say I have a calling for it... that it's what I was meant to do and maybe that's right. I just truly feel connected to kids I guess and I want to offer at least those I can watch a safe place. I know that there are a lot of "not so nice" people out there watching children and it breaks my heart. So, I always try to be able to help a child or two or three with safe, loving care. I currently watch a 4 year old boy. He has been a part of our life since he was a little baby. I've taken care of him for a very long time. It's more like family than anything. He's here often because his mom is a single mother who works many hours a week and struggles to make it. We can offer him a safe and happy place and she knows that he'll always been safe with us. It just fits. Right now though I am truly enjoying life with my son and taking care of him. It's been the best (and most tiring?) three weeks of my life and I can't wait to see how the next weeks, months and years go. When Talon is in school full time I want to go to school as well. I'd like to become a nurse, more specifically a midwife.

Talon Kenneth is the little boy that stole our hearts. He was born on September 13th 2008 @ 6:33 PM. He weighed 4 pounds 12 ounces and was 17 inches long. Tiny but extremely healthy. With his first cry, I gave my heart 100%. He means everything to us and we just adore him. What a perfect, handsome little blessing he is.

Here's a picture of my precious baby boy...

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