Thursday, December 4, 2008

Amazing Day!! [12/3/08]

Today was a very exciting and happy day for us. We had our court appearance for the interloculatory decree of adoption! I know, most people don't know what that means because I didn't at first either. lol But, it is our order for the adoption. Wyoming has a 6 months statue before the adoption can be completely finalized, and this is the step before that. The judge also signed the final decree as well, however that can't be consented and submitted until the statue period is up, which will be in March. And that will be done with just a simple phone call! We've known all along that he is ours and we have no worries, however it's nice that the steps are being taken. Here soon we'll have (3 months roughly) a birth certificate with his name on it stating that my husband and I are his parents. How exciting that'll be!

Our certified copy of todays decree has a statement at the end that just completely made me cry when it was read. It states "It is, therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed that the petitioners, Kimberly Louise MYLASTNAME and Kenneth Robert HISLASTNAME Jr, should be and they hereby are awarded teh care, custody and control of said minor child" It was just completely emotional for me and holding Talon in my arms at the moment when it was read, I just felt so complete.

A day we have waited for to come for many years, came. And though he was always ours in our heart even before he was born, it was confirmed today that he is ours in the eyes of the law. Which, though its not 100% final, it is upholding.

I am sad that I didn't get any photos of today. When I went to take the camera out I was notified that no digital devices were allowed in the court room, including cameras. If we decide to have another appearance (we don't have to appear) then our attorney can request the slot time for "media time" which is where basically we pay the judge to spend 15 minutes for pictures. I have NO idea why it's done like that here, but that's the way it goes. LOL It sucks, I was so sad...but, we did take a few pictures today in general and I can still make the scrapbook memory. LOL

Now I am thinking of having a celebration party. We never had a baby shower for him or even a Sip N See like I wanted to do. So, maybe this would be good. People can come and celebrate our happiness. It might be fun to do!

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